District Equity
The Ossining Union Free School District has prioritized the ongoing study of equity in order to create a Culturally Responsive and Sustaining school Environment (CRSE) for our students, staff and families. From the implementation of the Ossining Plan that brought all of our students together in grade level schools in 1980 to the 2002 Superintendent’s Advisory Council on the Achievement Gap and subsequent study with the New York University Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools (NYU Metro Center) at Ossining High School in 2007, the Ossining Schools are proud of our long-standing commitment to equity.
In Ossining, We Believe Educational Equity Means Each Student Has What They Need To:
Define and experience their own success,
Experience joy in learning everyday, and
See themselves reflected in the content of their learning as well as the educators who serve them.
It provides a climate in school that attends to race, ethnicity, language, culture, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, religion, (dis)ability, and socioeconomic status (McCabe Zwerger, 2017).