Parent Portal: Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus
- AMD Parents - How to Access Grades in Parent Portal
- OHS Student Portal Assistance
- Directions for Downloading the Infinite Campus Portal APP
- Parent/Student Portal Login Page
To register, please bring Identification during regular school hours, Monday to Friday, from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM to the main desk at your child's school (see list below).
Enter your Student Number as the User Name. This can be found on your ID card. Enter your birthday as the Password. For example, if you were born on January 1, 1993, you would enter 010193. If you are new to the district in the past few years, your password is your initials, then date of birth in six digits.
For fastest service, please contact your school's main office.
What is Infinite Campus?
Infinite Campus is a web based student management system.
What is the Infinite Campus Parent Portal?
The Parent Portal is a confidential and secure web site that allows parents/guardians to log in and view their child's progress in school. Parents can login and view attendance, report cards and state assessments. Parents of secondary students can also view schedules, grade books and most assignments.
How secure is the information contained in the Portal?
Parents/guardians can see only information related to the students they are authorized to view. The use of strong passwords, forced password resets and session timeouts ensure secure access.
Can anyone else see my child's attendance, grades, etc.?
No. We recommend that you use the same level security that you would with your other online accounts. Do not share your username and password and keep them safe. If you think someone else knows you username or password, please change your account information.
Do I need special software installed on my computer?
To effectively access your Parent Portal account you need Internet Access. To view some of the PDFs you need
Adobe Reader: This is a free document reader available for download on the web at
My account is locked/disabled.
After 3 unsuccessful login attempts, your user account will be disabled. Please call your child's school to reactivate your account.
When I type my 32-digit code, I get an error message.
Make sure you are typing your code exactly as it appears. This is alphanumeric code, therefore be careful when typing the Number 0 vs. the Letter O. If these are not typed correctly your code will not be accepted.
I received the following message when creating my username for my account: "This username already exists." What should I do?
Another person has already used this username. Select another username and try again. Two people cannot have the same username in the system.
After typing my username and password I receive the following message when I click "submit": "Page not found..."
Your browser settings for privacy and security are set too high. Check your settings by clicking on Tools > Internet Options.
I forgot my username and/or password.
Go to the Parent Portal Login Page. Next to to Log In button, Click on Problems logging in?. Next Enter your Email Address and Click . You will receive an emaill reminder shortly.