Budget 24-25
Budget Vote Results:
Yes: 980
No: 314
Proposition Results:
Proposition 3 - Authorization to Expend Funds from the “Facilities Improvement Program 2017” Capital Reserve for capital projects at AMD.
Yes: 1,049
No: 243
In our Board of Education Election, there were two (2) candidates whose names appeared on the ballot seeking election for two (2) seats. The results of the Board of Education Election are as follows:
Board of Education Results:
1. Katherin Crossling 925
2. Roger Battacharia 884
Budget Vote & Board of Education Election- May 21st, 7am-9pm, OHS
Have a question about the budget?
Just ask us.
Email justask@ossiningufsd.org
Tax Calculator
Note: The tax rate is an estimated amount pending assessment rolls being finalized by Ossining, New Castle, and Yorktown. Individual tax bills may include other taxes (i.e. library) and reductions due to exemptions granted to individual taxpayers. These adjustments are not considered in this estimator / calculation.
Important Budget Documents
Please note the important budget documents and information below.