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Special Education

In-District Continuum of Special Education Services

Related Services

Occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech/language therapy, and other related services may be recommended for a student with a disability in a special class or general education class who is in need of this support to benefit from the educational program.  

Resource room programs

Resource room program is a special education program for a student with a disability registered in either a special class or general education class who is in need of specialized supplementary instruction in an individual or small group setting for a portion of the school day.

Integrated co-teaching

In an integrated co-teaching class, a general education teacher and a special education teacher jointly provide specially designed academic instruction to a class that includes both students with and students without disabilities to meet the diverse learning needs of all students in a class.

Special Class

Children with disabilities whose needs can't be met in a general education classroom are provided special class services in a self-contained classroom. In a self-contained classroom students are grouped based on similarity of educational needs.


Kimberly Mauricio
Assistant Superintendent of Student Services 

Jessica Giangrande
Assistant Director of Student Services & Social-Emotional Learning (Secondary) 

Lindsey McGann 

Assistant Director of Student Services & Social-Emotional Learning (Elementary)


RISE Program